If you have heard of indie developers and indie games, then you may have heard of the R4 3DS card for that Nintendo 3DS. I realize that whenever we think about indie games and freeware, we probably don't even think about cheap wow gold the Nintendo 3DS a contender for the reason that department. The truth is though that it comes with a great deal of support from freeware game developers, app creators and more. So much so that finally count there were some 1100 different homebrew / freeware games and applications available.
You won't discover the R4 3DS in shops though. This is one thing you'll have to order online. There are a handful of really good reputable stores that offer the r4 3ds and can ship it using their warehouses right to you buy diablo3 gold . It'll take a couple of days, so I always suggest getting everything ready and becoming your hands on the apps and games you'll want to play, and you'll be ready to do all of it when your package arrives.
Now here's what I suggest you do while you are waiting for your R4 3DS card to reach to you within the mail. Yes, it does need to be ordered online. There aren't many stores I know of that offer it in store. But there are many stores online.
Right off the bat, I want to inform you that there are so many different things that you'll be able to perform once you have the r4. In fact, there are plenty of various things it either enables you to do, or enhances, that putting them all down in just one sitting would take countless hours for me to detail all of them. So what you will see below are my suggestions, things that I did when as i was waiting to obtain mine, and things i like to do with the R4 3DS on a daily basis.
First of all, you'll want to ensure that you download the most recent and newest version of Moonshell. This may be the media payer that enables a lot of the multimedia features in your Nintendo 3DS system. Without moonshell cheap tera gold
at your side, your movies, music and videos may not work. Moonshell lets you load and play back all types of movies. Any video files works on the R4 3DS card, as long as you convert these phones the DPG file format.
ikuReader is perfect for people who like to relax and relax with a good book. I bet you didn't even consider your Nintendo 3DS as an ebook reader, right? The truth is though that it is an ebook reader, and a darn doozy too. With iKuReader you'll be able to read the popular ebook formats too. Just put them over to your micro Sdcard and you are ready.
Next, I'd stock up on some cool emulators. NesDS for Nintendo NES games. SnesDS for those Super NES freaks (like me) out there. And if you wish to go even more back, get ZXDS, the ZX Spectrum emulator for that 3DS. Good old Speccy games possess a lot of charm too you realize.
Now you've got your gaming, movies, music, as well as your ebooks, all on your Nintendo 3DS, thanks to the R4 3DS card. Enjoy!