A Day in the Life of a Holistic Creative Entrepreneur by Carmellita Brown
You awaken before dawn and find a quiet place to meditate on the goodness that tera gold is in your reality now. You are an entrepreneur on the path of enlightenment. You are dedicated to living a holistic lifestyle. You are determined each day to use your creative potential to its fullest. You know that it is the use of this creative potential along with your gifts and talents which adds to your competence. You know that the skills and abilities you have acquired over the years wow gold garnish your competency. However, you also know that it is your spiritual aptitude which makes you the accomplished entrepreneur you are and are continuing to become. You are confident that there is not anything you can not do be, or have.
You see each day as a wonderful blessing and an opportunity to do great things in your life. Each day is a gift and a reminder that you truly do co-create your life with an inexhaustible universe.
Exhilarated with hope, right before the sun peers into the buy wow gold horizon you begin to practice your yoga routine. You feel more and more empowered as the sun rises. Completely renewed, you dedicate a sun salutation to a brand new morning. Thankful and grateful for a new day filled with infinite possibilities, instead of singing the latest tune, you chant beautiful and powerful mantras, declare affirmations, and set your intentions for the day as you shower. Feeling refreshed, you remind yourself of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Immediately after grooming, you say a prayer visualizing all the great things which will happen today and how today will be safe, secure, and yes, fun.
The day has already set the pace of being peaceful, productive, creative, and joyful. The transition from home life to career life is simple and seamless. There is no frustration or need to pause to get it together because you don't have to do or be anyone different than who you really are.
Are your activities different? Perhaps, your activities are more focused toward a different intention or goal, but the purpose for you is the same. Why? The purpose for you is the same because as a holistic creative entrepreneur, you have a vision of purpose for your life and all things-all career and work activities align with this vision. You know and are aware of your true and authentic self. And your true and authentic self when operating in the office of an entrepreneur seeks to create things, services, products, and opportunities which add to the quality of life. This inspiration and passion is felt by the people who work with you and for you. This inspiration and passion is felt by each client or customer cheap wow gold near or far.
Today is a good day for you. Each day is an opportunity to be more productive and creative. You are aware that your productivity and creativity is creating more life and more life is riches. By choosing to be a holistic creative entrepreneur, you know you are co-creating your reality with a loving and abundant universe. Because of this beautiful and powerful partnership, you know you are successful. Yes, today is a good day for you, then so is everyday.
And that's a day in the life of a holistic creative entrepreneur. This writer knows from first hand experience.